Research Fellow, School of Philosophy, Fudan University
Academic Visitor, Asian and Middle-Eastern studies, Oxford University
Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Areas of Interests and Specializations
Dr. Chang’s scholarly pursuits cover areas such as Confucianism (particularly Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism and Contemporary New-Confucianism), ethics, and political philosophy. Behind this diversity lies a unifying thread — his commitment to reinterpreting Confucianism in the contemporary context by leveraging comparative studies of Confucianism, Kantian ethics, and liberalism. His dedication to exploring the intersections of these philosophical disciplines underscores his passion for bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern thought.
Work History
Dr. Tzuli Chang has been a Research Fellow at the School of Philosophy, Fudan University since 2015. His academic journey includes a year of postdoctoral research at National ChengChi University (2009-2010), followed by a role as Visiting Assistant Professor at Tunghai University in Taiwan (2010-2011).
Prior to his current position, Dr. Chang served as a Junior Research Fellow at the Simian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanity, East China Normal University (2012-2015). He has also expanded his academic horizons internationally, taking on the role of Visiting Professor at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2017 and delivering a lecture at Leiden University in 2018. In 2024, he was an Academic Visitor at Oxford University.
Chang, Tzuli. 2023. Reflexive Self-Examination and One Principle, Numerous Manifestations: On the Internal Development of Contemporary New-Confucianism. Beijing 北京: Shang-Wu Publication 商務印書館.
Chang, Tzuli. 2021. A Contemporary Reading On Confucianism: Interpretation, Comparison, and Progress. Taipei 臺北: Xue-Sheng Publication 學生書局.
Chang, Tzuli. 2024. On Moral Error: The Debate and Mencian Comment. In Huang Yong ed., Simon Blackburn Encountering Chinese Philosophy, London: Bloomsbury Publishing, forthcoming.
Chang, Tzuli. 2022. On Moral Metaphysics: The Debate Between Mou Zongsan and Lao Siguang. National Taiwan University Philosophical Review, (64)2: 45-82.
Chang, Tzuli. 2018. How to Define a Confucian Entrepreneur? Benevolence, Creative Creativity, and Entrepreneurship. Thought and Culture, 21: 193-212.
Chang, Tzuli. 2017. Liangzhi and the Interpretative Obfuscation Regarding Knowledge. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, (12)3: 450-465.
Chang, Tzuli. 2016. Re-exploring Wang Yangming’s Theory of Lianzhi: Translation, Transliteration and Interpretation. Philosophy East and West, (66)4: 1196-1218.
Chang, Tzuli. 2015. Personal Identity, Moral Agency and Liang-zhi: A Comparative Study of Korsgaard and Wang Yangming. Comparative Philosophy, (6)1: 3-23.
Chang, Tzuli. 2011. On the Twofoldness of Moral Metaphysics: Onto-Cosmological Creation and Creation of Actualizing Thing-In-Itself. In: Wang Wen-Sheng (eds.), hanyu zhexue xinshiyu 漢語哲學新視域Taipei 臺北: Xue-sheng Publication 學生書局, pp 99-126.
Chang, Tzuli. 2007. Universality and Propelling Power of Moral Feeling: A Common View shared by Max Sheler and Mou Zong-san. Legein Monthly, 379: 51-62.
Chang, Tzuli. 2005. An Interpretation of Chu Hsi’s Theory of t’uo-jan-kuan-t’ung. Soochow Journal of Philosophical Studies, 12: 99-126.
Chang, Tzuli. 2000. Revisit Zhu Xi’s Philosophy in Light of Ethics of Autonomy. Legein Monthly, 305: 54-64.
Book Review
Tzuli Chang. 2023. Roy Tseng, Confucian Liberalism: Mou Zongsan and Hegelian Liberalism. Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, (22)4: 685-691.
Chang, Tzuli. 2010. Report on the Research Progress in the Field of Philosophy in Taiwan over the Past 50 Years. Center for Humanities Research, National Science Council, Taiwan.